What is Unshaved Hair Transplantation?

One of the methods we continue to apply in a modern way from the past to the present is the unshaven hair transplantation method. Although it is one of the easiest methods to apply, we never compromise on its quality. This method does not require shaving before hair is transplanted to the front, back and sides of the head. The products and materials we use are completely customized for each patient. Thanks to unshaved hair transplantation, which is more popular than many other methods and which is done in a short time, you can now say goodbye to balding areas.

There may be various reasons why hair is sparse in some areas, why hair loss occurs. Hair loss can occur due to genetic factors or acquired environmental factors. It is absolutely necessary to get hair transplantation technique service from a professional center to eliminate this problem permanently. Thanks to our center that comes into play here, you can say goodbye to balding areas.

Unshaven Hair Transplantation Methods

Unshaved hair transplantation is divided into two different methods. The first method is the more preferred Follicular Unit Extraction method. If we prefer this method, we can extract up to 4000 grafts of hair follicles in a single session. To explain more clearly, grafts are called hair follicles. We take the hair follicles from the dense areas and transplant them into grooves in the areas where hair is sparse. Thus, hair growth starts to occur intensively in areas with sparse hair.

Another method is Direct Hair Transplantation, abbreviated as DHI. It is the second method that is done without shaving. A maximum of 3 thousand hair follicles can be processed in a single session. Hair follicles are inserted directly into the areas with sparse hair follicles. The most different and useful feature of this method is that we can grow more than one hair follicle using a single hair follicle. Considering this feature, it is seen as a more detailed and more professional procedure.

The Benefits of Unshaved Hair Transplantation

Unshaven hair transplantation is an ideal choice for patients who want to have a hair transplant but do not want to shave their scalp. We decide whether the technique is applicable or not as a result of examinations, tests and analyzes. The best known benefit of this method is that the transplant can be done in a completely natural way without the need to shave the hair.